Together with leading Swedish scientists and nutritional experts, Oriflame has developed Wellness by Oriflame to bring you beauty from within. Nutrients are as important as traditional beauty products for maintaining skin beauty and counteracting the ageing process as well as supporting general health. Wellness by Oriflame respect the body’s natural balance and work in enhancing its natural functions, making you http://oriflame-kharkov.ua.hotlist.biz/page.php?p=submit_catalog_page&subpage&settings&l=rulook and feel great.

[b]Natural Balance Shake[/b]
[b]UAH 330[/b]
The Natural Balance Shake is the result of more than 8 years of extensive research in Sweden focused on improving patients’ recoveries after lung or heart transplants. The natural ingredients in the shake are in optimal balance and have proven beneficial to everyone. It offers a simple and safe way to help reduce sugar cravings, supports healthy weight loss and provides sustained energy.

There are two purposes for taking the Natural Balance Shake and its unique composition serves both uses.

1. It aids weight loss

Many users start taking the Natural Balance Shake for weight-loss purposes and continue to take it for weight maintenance.

* Natural Balance Shake is low-glycemic and this quality lowers insulin levels which in turn facilitates weight loss.
* Balanced blood sugar levels reduce sugar cravings, appetite and thoughts about food.
* The Natural Balance Shake provides optimum nourishment despite cutting down on calories.

2. It helps to stay energized and focused

* Whereas most people feel their batteries waning in the late afternoon, users of Natural Balance Shake report feeling more focused at work and energized all day long – enough to exercise as well.
* Taking the Natural Balance Shake as a healthy snack ensures optimum nutrition and low calories.

[b]WellnessPack woman[/b]
[b]UAH 300[/b]
WellnessPack woman works beneath the skin’s surface, where the first signs of ageing appear, to smoothen and moisturize the skin from within. Apart from a unique and powerful antioxidant-astaxanthin derived from the Swedish archipelago it also provides essential vitamins and minerals fortified with folic acid, iron and calcium to meet women’s specific daily need as well as Omega 3 fatty acids to support brain function and cardiovascular health.

[b]WellnessPack man[/b]
[b]UAH 300[/b]
WellnessPack man contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant derived from Swedish archipelago algae that, in clinical trials, shows significantly improved muscle performance and endurance, as well improves skin appearance. It also provides essential vitamins and minerals, such as selenium and magnesium to further enhance health and performance and essential Omega 3 fatty acids to support brain function and cardiovascular health.

Why is this product unique?
1. Clinically-proven to improve strength endurance and well-being in one convenient daily pack
2. Contains the highest available natural grade of Astaxanthin – an extremely powerful antioxidant with unique anti-ageing effects from the Swedish archipelago
3. Contains complete multivitamins and minerals especially adapted to men’s daily needs and high-quality fish oil providing essential omega 3 fatty acids
4. Researched, developed and tested by world-leading scientists in Sweden
5. 100% free from bovine and porcine gelatin
6. 100% GMO free
7. Highest pharmaceutical production standard (GMP)

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